Wednesday, July 18, 2007

BW RU Burglary at Business Unit on Glebe Farm Industrial Estate INC 515 of 16 July

Warwickshire Police - 01926 415000 Ext : 8185
Fax - 01926 415389
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MESSAGE .................BW RU Burglary at Business Unit on Glebe Farm Industrial Estate INC 515 of 16 July
We would like to make you aware that sometime between 1.20am on 14 July and the afternoon of 16 July offenders forced open a fire door at the side of a business unit on Glebe Farm Industrial Estate and stole 9 Sony LCD 42in or 52 in TV's.
If you saw or heard anything suspicious on the estate between these times that you believe may be connected to this incident or you have CCTV footage which may be of use in identifying offenders or a vehicle please contact Rugby police quoting incident number 515 of 16 July. Please also remain vigilent and report anything of concern to police..
If you have information about this incident please ring 01926 415000 and ask for the Communications Centre. Please tell them that you are ringing in in response to a message
or call Crime Stoppers 0800 555111

Protecting our communities together

"Warwickshire police has a proud tradition of protecting communities and,
as we celebrate the force's 150th anniversary, I am confident that we will
continue to provide efficient and effective services for many years to come."

Keith Bristow, Chief Constable

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