Tuesday, July 03, 2007

NHW BW RU Vehicle crime in Murray Rd, Great Central Way and Railway Terrace, Rugby INC 409 of 1 July

Warwickshire Police - 01926 415000 Ext : 8185
Fax - 01926 415389
Email - watch@warwickshire.police.uk

MESSAGE .................HW BW RU Vehicle crime in Murray Rd, Great Central Way and Railway Terrace, Rugby INC 409 of 1 July
We would like to make you aware of the following incidents which have occurred in your area over recent days.
Sometime between 16 and 30 June a Grey Saab 900 was stolen fron a motor business on Great Central Way, Rugby.
During the night of 30 June into 1 July a white H registration Ford Escort van was stolen from Murray Road, Rugby and offenders scratched the body work and bent the wipers on a vehicle parked at a motor company on Railway Terrace.
If you have information that you believe may be connected to any of these incidents please contact Rugby police quoting incident number 409 of 1 July..
If you have information about this incident please ring 01926 415000 and ask for the Communications Centre. Please tell them that you are ringing in in response to a message
or call Crime Stoppers 0800 555111

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Keith Bristow, Chief Constable

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