Tuesday, July 03, 2007

NHW RU Burglary and prowler in Alwyn Road, Bilton INC 241 of 30 June

Warwickshire Police - 01926 415000 Ext : 8185
Fax - 01926 415389
Email - watch@warwickshire.police.uk

MESSAGE .................NHW RU Burglary and prowler in Alwyn Road, Bilton INC 241 of 30 June
We would like to make you aware of the following incidents which have occurred in Alwyn Road, Bilton over recent days.
Sometime between 7.30 and 10.30pm on 30 June an offender climbed over a rear fence of a home in Alwyn Road. The fence was covered in anti vandal paint and the offender then tried to access the home by using the door handle. No access was gained.
During the same night an offender entered another home in Alwyn Road via an insecure back door and stole a handbag, 2 phones and car keys. A red Fiat Punto was then stolen from the drive.
If you saw or heard anything suspicious in Alwyn Road over recent days that you believe may be connected to these incidents please contact Rugby police quoting incident number 241 of 30 June. Please also remain vigilent and report anything of concern to police..
If you have information about this incident please ring 01926 415000 and ask for the Communications Centre. Please tell them that you are ringing in in response to a message
or call Crime Stoppers 0800 555111

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Keith Bristow, Chief Constable

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